Monday, October 19, 2020

Happy 104th, Alba Rossi!

 Alba Rossi celebrated her 104th birthday this past weekend. She had a little party with family members - out on an open porch, and thoroughly enjoyed the event. The day was pretty chilly, but she looks content, for sure. Looking good, Alba, as always! We wish you the very best.

Our snow didn't last long once the sun came up, and it has been fairly mild today - with a little rain late this afternoon and more probably during the night and for the next couple of days. These gentle rain storms should help the very dry conditions of the past several weeks - and may even add to the water table.

We've had enough wind to strip the leaves off many of the trees, but there are still some nice patches of color here and there in protected areas. It is beginning to look November dreary already, though. We are noticing that we're having a lot less daylight these days, and on dark days like today, it is really noticeable.  It's kind of mellow out there tonight, though - about 50F, and no wind.

A few weeks ago some strangers got in touch through this blog looking to buy property in this area. I gave them some realtor's names and the following day had an email saying they were looking at a property. We exchanged some emails and this weekend I got an email saying they had found their dream home and will be closing on it soon. That is so nice to hear, and I was very glad it worked out so well for them. I know property here in Vermont is very much in demand right now - everyone wants to come here to escape the Coronavirus, and I certainly understand that. It makes me very thankful that we live where we do - even more than usual. Fred and I have always loved living here. 

I've been actually enjoying reading our book - looking for little things we may have missed in previous read-throughs. I wasn't looking forward to this final assignment of reading the whole manuscript one more time - but much of it was written literally years ago and it's kind of like someone else wrote even the chapters I know I wrote - I simply don't remember them that well. I'm a little less than half way through and so far I'm pleased with it. I have no way of knowing how long it will take for all three of us to read through, note corrections and changes and turn it in as a finished manuscript, but I'm hoping we can do this fairly quickly. We won't catch all the little mistakes - but we'll do our best to make it as error free and easy to read as possible. Right now, I'm nearly asleep at my computer. It's been a long day and I need to quit. Take care; be safe and strong.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't...