Thursday, May 02, 2024

Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't previously aware of is that those boats cannot move from one body of water to another unless decontaminated by a certified station. That will certainly help to keep invasive species from being spread into clean lakes. Joe's Pond has been fortunate to have so far escaped milfoil contamination, and that is more than plain luck. We have a well-trained, vigilant inspection team at the boat launch each summer, and in large measure it is thanks to them that Joe's Pond is still clean.

Our summer is getting under way. Our newsletter came out yesterday - Jamie and Joanne Stewart were at my house yesterday afternoon, newsletters in hand. Jamie is secretary of the Joe's Pond Association, and Joanne is, among other Joe's Pond duties, editor-in-chief of the annual newsletter. They arrived back to the pond from Florida on Monday and were immediately thrust into getting the newsletter produced. Rule of thumb for that is for it to come out as soon as possible after the winner of the Ice-Out Contest is known. You can access the newsletter on-line - in full color!! - HERE.  

Ice-Out is over, signaling the end of our winter diversion activities and the beginning of the summer season at Joe's Pond. One might think the business of Ice Out is over once the winner has received a check. That isn't the way it works. The Ice-Out Contest is really a year-around project, headed up this past year by a very dedicated group  (Diane Rossi, Henretta Splain, Mary Ann Cassani, Shelly Walker, Larry Rossi, and the late Lisa Hebert). The Ice-Out Committee has changed from time to time, and this year is no exception. On Tuesday, the committee met at Diane Rossi's to review this year's contest, identify any glitches, and make plans for the 2025 contest, including designing the 2025 ticket and getting it to the printer so they will be ready to distribute at our JPA meetings so tickets are available all year. The meeting was also an opportunity to thank Henretta Splain for her 11 years of expert and faithful service as input specialist, logging in and counting each and every ticket that was sold. Henretta returned this year, and they welcomed Theresa Dimick (1809 W. Shore Rd.) to the group as she will take over Henretta's job. Henretta briefed Theresa and the procedure on Tuesday.

I feel a bit nostalgic knowing that Henretta is retiring. She began working with Ice-Out when Fred,  my late husband, was managing the on-line ticket sales, and each spring they spent hours coordinating spreadsheets, gearing up for the coming onslaught of tickets. I remember that it was a challenge Fred took very seriously, but that he really enjoyed "figuring out," and I hope Henretta did, as well. So we  wish Henretta the best - enjoy your down time next spring; and to Theresa, welcome to the group! 

And so our "Summer, 2024" season begins. People will be returning quickly now - May is the big come-back month - and soon the pond will be buzzing, literally, with a variety of motorized vessels on the water, and dotted with colorful Sunfish sails. There will be the cheerful voices of youngsters playing, and neighbors calling out a friendly "Hello" as they pass in their boat or meet when walking the trail or nearby roads.We look forward to the return of our human "snowbirds" each year. Good to see (and hear) you!

Wherever you are,enjoy time with friends and loved ones, and be happy.

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Time for Change

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