Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Ice Update

Here is a photo of the Ice-Out setup that was taken only minutes ago - around 6:30 p.m. today. A blog reader has asked for an update on the block on the ice for the Ice-Out Contest. As you can see, there has been no significant change - the block hasn't gone through the ice, the flag is still up, and the clock is still ticking. Yesterday some brave soul put a chair out on the ice in order to sit there to watch the eclipse. I would not venture out onto the ice for any reason at this point.

I had a report today that Moore Dam Reservoir on the Connecticut river is ice free. That said, that reservoir is at an elevation of only 806 ft., while Joe's Pond is 1,551 ft. That is a significant difference when it comes to temperature and weather. West Danville also recently had about a foot of snow and that serves to insulate the ice from the sun. However, we've also had three days of very nice, warm and sunny weather that has definitely whittled away at the snow pack and undoubtedly has also taken a toll on the ice.

Closer to us are Molly's Pond and the Molly's Falls Reservoir, both on Route 2 in Cabot, only a few miles southwest of Joe's Pond. Both those bodies of water are still frozen over. Historically, they open a few days before the clock stops at Joe's Pond. That could change this year - we never know what will happen.

My ice measuring friend who enjoyed fishing all winter, broke through the ice last week where he fishes on the east shore of Joe's Pond.  The Ice-Out setup is located near the west shore, which doesn't get quite as much sun, so the ice may be somewhat thicker. Fortunately the water where my friend broke through was only knee deep as he was just starting out onto the ice, but he told me that ended his fishing for this year. Thus, I won't have any more actual measurements for you from now until the clock stops. So we just have to wait. We have several days of warm, rainy weather ahead, and I expect that will do the ice in fairly quickly. We will keep you posted, and as soon as the clock stops, you will be notified here. It could happen any time. Good luck to everyone - there will be a winner (or winners) soon!

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