Sunday, April 14, 2024


We finally have an official Ice-Out time - 4 a.m. today, April 14, 2024!

There are thousands of tickets sold each year and our data specialist is still working on piles of tickets. Once those are all entered, her spreadsheet will be searched to find who the winner(s) might be. Then verification has to take place, all of which takes time. As soon as those official details are taken care of, there will be an announcement. I'll have more information then. In the meantime, Diane sent photos of the clock and what the ice looks like this morning. 

Many thanks to the Ice-Out Committee for their careful oversight to keep the contest running smoothly year after year. There is a great deal of planning and work behind the scene each year to update and print tickets, keep merchants supplied, do publicity, keep the equipment functional and safe, keep detailed and careful records of entries and monies, and answer questions from the public. When the clock stops and a winning ticket(s) is found, there is a verification process to be certain the winner or winners are legitimate. Working in unison, the committee makes it all seem effortless. It isn't. They work hard and are constantly "on call" keeping the momentum going, running smoothly.

The contest has grown each year - this year promises to be the biggest contest yet - and that is due to the coordinated efforts of a super-efficient committee: Diane Rossi, Mary Anne Cassani, Michelle Walker, Larry Rossi, Henretta Splain, and the late Lisa Hebert. Thanks to all of them, and to the merchants and many individuals who sell tickets each year, for another very successful Joe's Pond Ice-Out Contest!

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