Friday, May 29, 2020

The storm tonight wasn't as bad here as in some places. We had some rumbles of thunder and there was a strong wind with a brief shower, but then it was over. It may rain more during the night, but already it has cooled down pretty nicely.

I got word yesterday that there is a new town dock in place. Members of the West Danville Community Club (WDCC) got it done. Joanne Stewart sent these photos. It looks really nice - plenty of room and stable. Jamie said it has been extended ten feet. That will allow for additional boats to tie up.

Thanks to the WDCC menfolk who did that - Joe Hebert, Jim Morris and Jamie Stewart. Good job!

I had an email from Pam Hebert today saying the little Charles Brainerd library is opening  on June 1st. They plan to start being open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2-4, and later hope to to add more days. Pam said they are going to follow Governor Scott's recommendations, so when you visit, please wear a mask. They will have hand sanitizer at the building.

Pam said, "We are excited because we have received some current and recently  published books. Our shelves are full and we invite all to come and visit."

That is very good news. We need some normalcy in our lives right about now. It's been a long haul and people are ready to get out and about a bit more. Remember, the library is very small, so distancing may be a problem - but I'm sure those volunteers who will be working there will figure it out.  We are just glad they will be opening up on June 1.

My friend, Mary Whitcomb, sent me this photo she took of a hummingbird at her house. Such a pretty little bird! Thank you, Mary - very nice!

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Spring Mix!

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