Sunday, May 31, 2020

A really cool day today with lots of wind and not a lot of sunshine. I just checked the thermometer and it's already down to 48.4. It's going to be a cool night. I'm thinking I should cover my plants on the deck. They may not survive this cold spell -- they are some variety of palms. One, surprisingly, is very susceptible to sunburn. I nearly lost it a couple of years ago, but it finally came back; then this year I put it out but apparently it was too hot too soon and it has some burn this year, too. It was ok last year as long as the taller palms were shading it and it got only spotty sunshine. So we just took in the plants - they are very heavy and Fred helped (he is NOT a fan of house plants!) so I owe him big time! We are likely to get a frost here tonight - the forecast is a low of 33 degrees.

To lift our spirits on a cold night (Fred turned up the boiler so I'm toasty here at my computer!) here are some of Mary Whitcomb's bird photos. They are so pretty - it's hard to feel glum when you have these to look at! Thank you, Mary. This first photo is a brown thrasher, Mary told me. I found it on line - very vocal! Click link to see and hear video. I have never been a bird watcher and wouldn't be able to identify these had Mary not told me. This next pretty little fellow is a Common yellow throat warbler.
If you click on the link you will hear its song. Very nice.
On the left is the house wren Mary said she just bought a house for. It was busy building a nest in the new house, so adapted very quickly. I have more bird photos for you and will post those later on. It's time for a glass of wine and some supper.

I just noticed that the sun is out which means the cloud cover we've had most of the day is probably leaving and there will be clear skies tonight. That means frost is more likely than if we had cloud cover. There is still a wind, but that may die down - another indications it will be a frosty night. If you have tender plants out, better cover them up! It's really never safe to have tender plants out until almost the middle of June, but we all want to rush the season, so lots of people have window boxes, planters and gardens that could be damaged if not covered. Take care, and good luck with the plants!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...