Thursday, May 16, 2024

Spring Mix!

I started this a couple days ago but got kind of busy and never got back to it. I had posted about the Route 2 construction, but that notice only went through this week and anyone interested has already experienced delays getting from Joe's Pond west on Route 2. 'Nough said; on to more important stuff.

I heard from  Marti Talbot earlier this week that  Carolyn Hamilton is now safely in a rehab center (Pinecrest), and is getting "intense workouts every day." Marti said Carolyn requests that cards and messages be to her home, not the rehab center. Her home address is:

8151 Green Mountain Rd., Boynton Beach FL 33473.

We are happy Carolyn is in the recovery process. Marti said it will be some time before she is back to normal, but I know she will work really hard to get there. We wish her the best and a speedy, complete recovery.


Most of the people on the west shore of Joe's Pond have had notice from the Cabot Town Listers regarding the new property assessment. This is upsetting at first glance, but it may not be as bad as it seems when our tax bills are figured. Most residents have had notification via regular mail, but in case you are away and don't have it yet, the notice is also online NOTICE. I'm not upset at this point - I need to see the actual tax bill. It that went up accordingly, I will be upset, and I'll definitely grieve that; however, until the State of Vermont has sent the town the education tax figure for this year, if I  understand it correctly, we won't really know exactly how or if this reassessment will change our taxes. The goal is to pay town expenses as voted at March Meeting, and getting property assessments in line with reality changes the state tax formula, so I don't believe much can be done until all the figures are in. Read the information carefully and then make your decision.  Since the deadline to object (grieve) your new assessment figures is the 20th of May, you may want to use the above link and then send your comments to the listers on line.

The loon pair has returned to the north end of the pond and have nested! Gretchen and Jim Farnsworth, our loon watchers, sent these photos and report that everything looks good for the nesting pair, so please be aware of them, give the birds and their  nesting platform plenty of space - no unnecessary waves or closeup photos, please! That's Jim putting the signs out (see photo on the right) to remind people of the nesting habitat. We also ask that you let any visitors know they should not disturb the loons. It is especially important during the nesting period and also after the chick(s) arrive.

Springtime is bursting out all around us. I was in St. Johnsbury yesterday and the ornamental apple trees are absolutely beautiful. Also, there are those lovely purple rhododendrons that bloom early. Mine blooms later and has unimpressive cream blossoms - although they do make a lovely bouquet, I'll admit.

I have lots of daffodils blooming around my place this year - some popped up in unexpected places, but they are very welcome, wherever they appear. They make me happy! I also have some flower beds next to the house that have been completely taken over by lily-of-the-valley. These are not quite ready to bloom yet, but will soon - and I do love them. I remember having lily-of-the-valley scented perfume as a child and that was the most wonderful fragrance I could imagine - right up there with lilacs and mayflowers - and maybe vanilla. I remember transplanting some lily-of-the-valley from a hillside on what is now Chatot Road years before there were any homes up there. I transplanted a small clump to a garden when we lived at camp. When Fred and I moved up to this house, I took some with me and put them in one small spot surrounded by field-stone pavers. That was almost 20 years ago, and since then they have popped up everywhere. They are as prolific as the Periwinkle that grows here and there around here, but not at all objectionable like the darned bishop's weed that came with a donation from a kind neighbor who had brought plants here from their NY home when they retired here. Whatever plant she brought to me didn't make it, but the bishop's weed surely did. Darned stuff!

If anyone is interested, I just learned there is a Cabot Historical Society meeting this Saturday at the historical building on Main Street - 2 p.m.  We welcome anyone interested in the town's history, and invite you to join. I hope to see you there!

A last-minute addition - JPA's opening event of the 2024 season!!

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Ice Update - Sort Of!

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