Sunday, April 17, 2011

As some of you know, the firemen in Goshen, MA, have set up an ice-out contest very much like ours here at Joe's Pond. Bob Labrie oversees it each year - I think this was their 5th contest - and sends out newsletters periodically to keep folks updated. I had one today announcing that their contest ended on Thursday, April 14, at 12:48 p.m. The winner will receive $1,525, and the firemen have pledged their share to a fund to buy a wheelchair accessible van for a child with muscular dystrophy.

Their "Meltdown" in Goshen always happens before our ice is out here at Joe's Pond, but I thought you'd like to go to their website and see how they're doing. Go to:
Goshen Meltdown

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Ice Update - Sort Of!

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