Monday, February 15, 2010

Very nice day today. Warmer temperatures (in the 30's), some melting going on, and felt quite a bit like spring was in the air. Fred and I took a short walk down Sandy Beach Road after lunch and remarked that on a day like this, the sap may start up the trees. However, there's a couple more weeks of February and all of March to get through (not to mention April has provided some decent snow storms in the past) so we aren't taking off the long-johns just yet.

Things are looking good around the pond, though - not a lot of snow, and people moving about. Here's a short slide show of what we saw on our walk today.
Is it spring yet?

If you haven't seen the announcement from Gary Gulka (below), do take a look. There is a real need for broad representation on the Planning Commission, so if you have the time and interest, please get in touch with Gary.

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Update & Request

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