Friday, September 06, 2024

Autumn Dinners & More

 There are lots of things going on as autumn approaches. I know, it's not pleasant for some of you to think about fall and what comes later here at Joe's Pond, but this is the start of a wonderful (I think) season of church suppers, beautiful foliage wherever you go, crisp fresh air, and a gentle slow-down after the rush of summer activities. Kids are back in school so parents have some extra time - except there is the start of all the school activities and how to get youngsters to and from their events amid busy work schedules - but that is all part of raising kids and it will be over before you know it, so try to enjoy it while you can. Once they are out of the house and on their own, you'll face a whole new set of life adjustments - maybe empty nest syndrome and almost certainly a whole new approach to daily scheduling.

There are a couple of important suppers I want to let you know about. First, there is the Spaghetti Supper on this Saturday, by donation, to benefit Dorothy "Pete" Blackadar and her niece who lost everything in the July flood in Lyndonville. In case you haven't seen this photo from the Caledonian Record, this is their home after the flood waters receded. The two women had to be rescued through a window - no easy feat, I'm sure, and they were unable to save anything. Too late for takeout or reservations, but you can still donate to help Pete and her niece!

Then, on Sunday, September 15th, there will be the always fun Beanhole Supper at Greenbanks Hollow in Danville. This is a great event - beans cooked in the old time method underground, over coals - and always well attended. You should get there early to see them unearth the bean pots from the fire pits. Get your tickets soon because they always go fast, and there are a limited number available. This is a fun fundraiser for the Danville Historical Society - held outdoors, so dress prepared for whatever weather is happening that day.

The next big supper to look forward to is the chicken pie supper put on by the North Danville Baptist Church. That is always super delicious - so be sure to get your reservations in early. The Danville cooks are really busy this time of year, but they do know how to put together great suppers. This poster just came in today, so I'm adding it here, but will remind everyone again later.

I will close with some beautiful photos sent to me by Nancy Temple (West Shore Road). These were all taken at Joe's Pond! 

So many beautiful sights and scenes that we sometimes take for granted. I am always impressed with the beauty and quality of the photos some of our Joe's Pond friends take - and Nancy's are a fine example. Even the eagle that has a mean habit of dining on our loon chicks, is a handsome specimen. And of course the heron, strange and sometimes clumsy at fishing, is really a fascinating bird. Thank you, Nancy.

 I hope everyone enjoys our lovely crisp autumn weather and has a safe, pleasant weekend.

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