Thursday, September 05, 2024

Clelanup Meeting & Milfoil


As announced at the fall meeting we plan on have a pavilion cleanup day for the chairs, tables and

curtains starting at 9AM on Saturday September 14th. If you have a bucket and brush, please feel free to bring it.


Because of the recent discovery of Eurasion Water Milfoil we also feel it necessary to start planning

on how the association will approach this problem going forward. Consequently, once the cleaning is

finished we would like to meet to discuss this situation. I anticipate that would be about 10-10:30.


Some of the issues we need to deal with are:

1. Enhanced Grant writing to obtain additional funding from the state

2. A volunteer coordinator

3. Sectional volunteers to patrol portions of the lake and place markers in suspected areas

4. Snorkelers/Pullers. Individuals who will be trained to properly identify and pull identified



I fully understand this is on rather short notice and realize some who are interested might not be able

to attend. If so please let me know if you are willing to volunteer as this is only a preliminary meeting

and there will be ample opportunity to help in the future.


Joe Hebert

President JPA

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