Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sailing Results

This was the final Sunfish Race of the season, and here are the official results from Susan Bouchard:

 We considered cancelling the races today as there was no wind but the sailors wanted to race so we did!   It was a long afternoon as there was minimal wind but all the sailors finished as it poured buckets. The Caledonian Cup Award Party was hosted by Mark and Rosie Smith where we ended up having the get together on their lovely porch as more rain came…. but everyone had a good time! Pictured here, Joe Cassani, Grayson Demers, JPA President Joe Hebert, Commodore Susan Bouchard, and Jack LaGue.

Today’s results were:
Single Division
1) Jack LaGue (pictured right)
2) Jay Chatot
3) Jules Chatot
4) Rob Stewart
5) Lee Erdmann
6) John Moore
7) Sharon Trull

Double Division
1) Joe Cassani with nephew Grayson Demers

Overall season ~ the winners were as follow:
Single Division
1) Jack LaGue
2) Jay Chatot
3) Lee Erdmann
4) Jules Chatot
5) Rob Stewart
6) John Moore
7) Sharon Trull

Double Division 
1) Joe Cassani with Grayson Demers (pictured right)
2) David Porter with Henry Porter
2) Amy McClellan with Sidney Porter

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Milfoil Report

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