Thursday, August 29, 2024

Milfoil Update and More

 From Joe's Pond Association President Joe Hebert:

The State was here Wednesday harvesting milfoil. We urge all JPA members to attend the JPA meeting on Saturday [August 31] when Kim Jensen , Vermont’s Aquatic Invasive Species Program Lead and Environmental Scientist will answer questions and guide us. We ALL need to be involved.

Please remind your neighbors and anyone else in the community interested in controlling the spread of this invasive plant. As you probably know, Eurasian Watermilfoil was  recently discovered in Joe's Pond. It was reported to Joe and he immediately contacted the state. It is critical to deal with this quickly if it is to be controlled. We will learn more about how the harvesting went on Wednesday and what we, the residents on the pond, and others who love boating, swimming, and fishing here, need to know and do in order to preserve our lake and not let this weed take over. 

Joe sent photos of the team that worked to remove the milfoil on Wednesday. It has to be done very carefully, by experts, in order not to increase the spreading.

This is not the way we had hoped to end our summer. This is the final meeting of the season, and normally it is a joyful wrap-up filled with humor and well wishes as our members move to "autumn mode" and many of them begin packing up to head south soon, pick up extra Ice-Out tickets to send to friends and family, and tie up loose ends as we end the summer. But not this year. We have serious business to attend to and we need all hands on deck.


I have been asked by Marti Talbot to remind you that Saturday is the day the old "Camp Sylvia" is being emptied. There will be a big yard sale from 9-4, rain or shine, at 1279 West Shore Road, Cabot, VT. Everything can go as it is to be taken down. Need cabinets? Doors? Windows? Furniture? Great chance to find things to reuse or repurpose.

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Milfoil Report

Eurasian Watermilfoil information from Barry Cahoon,  JPA Response Coordinator,  9/18/2024           I suspect most, if not all Joe’s Pond ...