Sunday, September 01, 2024

Meeting at JPA and Much More

 There seems to be a lot to write about this morning. It's a busy weekend for lots of us and there is a lot going on here at Joe's Pond, too. What would normally be the last meeting of the season was yesterday, but turns out, due to having found Eurasian water milfoil in a few spots on the northwest shore, some members of JPA and the West Danville community will be meeting in a couple of weeks, after the final reports from the state have come in. 

This past week the folks from the Agency of Natural Resources  ANR responded quickly after being notified we might have milfoil here. Barry Cahoon discovered the patches and immediately reported it to the JPA board and they informed the state. ANR scientists confirmed that Barry was correct in suspecting milfoil and a team was immediately sent to begin the process of containing it - and possibly eradicating it.

Environmental Scientist, Kimberly Jensen from ANR's aquatic invasive species management department, did a detailed presentation at our meeting on Saturday morning. She brought specimens of a variety of both native non-invasive and invasive plants that might be found in our lake. This will be a big help in identifying whatever is growing around our shoreline. She said the team did a thorough search of the entire pond and found no other infestations at this time. She felt that two patches were completely eradicated; there is a third that they will watch closely. There will be another report within the next couple of weeks from her, and President Joe Hebert said there will be a notice at that time and decisions made as to the next steps to take to control this situation.

In the meantime, property owners are being asked to look carefully at their waterfronts and if they find anything suspicious, they should mark the spot using a small empty plastic bottle such as Cola comes in, or someone also suggested using small sections of pool noodles with a bit of string or rope tied to a rock to keep it in place. Once you have marked the spot, get in touch with either Joe (802-274-3455) or JPA Water Quality Director Nicole Begin (802-535-4916). They will take it from there. Kimberly said it is important to find it early (as happened with the three beds found here this summer) as that is the best chance of being able to control it. Anyone who wishes to volunteer in any capacity to help as we move forward in cooperation with Kimberly and her team should give Nicole or Joe a call. It is going to take vigilance and care to stay ahead of this. Please do not try to pull the weed yourself. Even very small fragments can quickly and easily take root. Let the professionals manage it.

Kimberly described several steps that may be taken - all of which will likely cost Joe's Pond Association money. Exactly what the next step will be depends on further study and observation by the state. There is grant money available to help cover the costs, but we need to wait for Kimberly's report as that will guide us to the best resolution.

I think everyone was very impressed with Kimberly's expertise and dedication to helping us. There was an unusually large attendance at our meeting, and everyone was in agreement that JPA will do whatever is necessary to clean this up and keep Joe's Pond free of milfoil and any other invasives. 

Other business covered was that we will give the West Danville Community Club $300 towards replacing the town dock by the bridge in West Danville. The dock was damaged and parts washed away in recent flooding. The Board is looking into purchasing some new tables for use at the pavilion; and there will be a "clean-up day" on September 14th - volunteers are needed to meet at 9 a.m. to help close the pavilion for the season. Furniture needs to be stored, the curtains cleaned and packed away, minor repairs done and other tasks that are needed as the pavilion is closed for the winter.


Marty Talbot reports she still has items available, most for free, at 1279 West Shore Road. Everything is free at the camp as it will be taken down -  counters, kitchen cabinets, sinks, paneling, satellite dish,  20 gal. holding tank for water, electric wall heater, and lots of other things, all free. Some are at the top of the driveway by the road, but larger items are still in the cottage. Two sets of twin mattresses that are  in good  condition are still available. Perhaps you know someone who needs some of these things, even if you don't, so let them know - it all has to go - and you can't beat the price!

She also has a washer and dryer (stackable and working)  for $150. 


Elizabeth "Liz"  Larrabee Hudson (Dorothy Larrabee's daughter) emailed me with this notice: 

The West Danville United Methodist Church, Modern Woodmen of American, and the Danville Congregational Church are hosting a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Dorothy "Pete" Blackadar on Saturday, September 7th.

The dinner will be at the Danville Congregational Church and it is by donation. The menu includes spaghetti, salad, bread, drink and dessert.

Pick up take Out Dinners starting at 4:30 PM 

Dine In Dinner will be starting at 5:30 PM.

Pete's 99th birthday is on September 5th and that will be celebrated at the supper. The two men who rescued Pete and her niece from the flood will be attending, as well.

Most of our Joe's Pond Community knows Dorothy "Pete" Blackadar well. She lived in West Danville for many years and was always a big supporter of her community and loved Joe's Pond. Pete was living with her niece in Lyndonville and  their home was washed away in the recent flooding. They lost the house, car, and everything else. People in the community are rallying to help them, and proceeds from this dinner will go to them. Please call Barb Sweet at 684-3314 to make your reservations.

If people cant make the dinner they can make a check.out to the West Danville United Methodist Church and mail it to:   PO Box 55, West Danville, VT 05873. Please put For Pete in the check memo line. We can get the money to Pete since she comes to church every Sunday. 

Or they can mail a Birthday card and/or money directly to Pete at:

Dorothy Backadar, PO Box 1034, Lyndonville, VT 05851.


And finally, a report of the status of construction on Route 2 for the coming week:

 When: Sep 3, 7 AM to 6 PM, Sep 6, 2024

TRAFFIC IMPACT AND DURATION: In observation of the Labor Day holiday, crews will be offsite by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, August 30, and return Tuesday, September 3 on 7 a.m.

Tuesday, September 3, through Friday, September 6, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., motorists can expect lane closures with alternating one-way traffic patterns and minor delays throughout the entire 16-mile project limits on U.S. Route 2 (U.S. 2) from the Plainfield/Marshfield town line to the VT Route 15 (VT 15) and U.S. 2 intersection in West Danville. Flaggers and Uniform Traffic Officers will be present to assist motorists through the work zone.

Motorists are encouraged to use caution while traveling through the work zone and plan for minor delays.

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: Crews will continue cleaning shoulders with excavators along U.S. 2 between Danville Hill Road to just west of the VT 15 intersection in West Danville. Crews will begin placing line markings on side roads along U.S. 2 beginning at Hollister Hill Road in Marshfield and progress east toward Marshfield Village.



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Milfoil Report

Eurasian Watermilfoil information from Barry Cahoon,  JPA Response Coordinator,  9/18/2024           I suspect most, if not all Joe’s Pond ...