Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Important Joe's Pond News

This notice came from Joe's Pond Association President Joe Hebert: 

Milfoil Found

  On Monday of this week I was notified of a suspected positive milfoil finding by one of our members. We contacted the Department of Environmental Conservation who conducted a survey on Tuesday and unfortunately confirmed the finding that we indeed have milfoil on Joe's Pond. Our last survey was in 2022 and there was no evidence of an infestation at that time. This obviously is a discouraging but not totally unexpected finding.

Currently in conjunction with the state and the surveyor we have contracted with this year, we are trying to determine the areas that are affected. The current plan is to have the plants in those areas pulled. What is most important is that ALL members should familiarize themselves with the appearance of Eurasion Watermilfoil and mark with a buoy any suspected areas. Do not had pull it yourself as this may result in unintended spreading. Please refer to the web site: for more information as to how to identify the plant. I cannot emphasize enough how this must be a community effort if we are to control or hopefully eradicate this infestation. Everyone needs to be involved.

Obviously this is a fluid situation and our approach is subject to change. The board is meeting this Friday to further discuss the recent findings and I am sure as the days pass we will garner more information. We do have our fall meeting in a bit more than two weeks at which time we certainly will provide any pertinent updates.

Joe Hebert, President JPA


I also had this notice today from Marti Talbot: 

There will be a “tearing down of a camp" YARD ALE  on Saturday August 31st , from 9-4. Everything can go. Call if wanting big items such as kitchen cabinets. 1279 West Shore Rd. Cabot, VT.
Contact  Marti Talbot  802-563-5022

Also at Marti's - a small white buoy has washed up on her beach. If you are missing one, check it out. It is not a JPA buoy - those are either large red balls or the long white large upright ones. Possibly it came from the water ski course.


I noticed this tree showing pretty nice early fall colors above my house near Jame and Marie's driveway. As I was getting this photo, I noticed there were a few other trees showing some color, too. It certainly isn't because they are stressed from being too dry - but perhaps they are protesting too much moisture? Anyway, it is late summer, after all - nearly August - and it won't be long before all of our hard woods will be showing color. Way too soon for me. This is the shortest summer I remember. Never have the weeks gone by so quickly for me! I'm really not ready ready for fall, but I do like the cooler weather. Autumn in Vermont is lovely - perhaps it's going to be one of those really exceptional displays this year! Time will tell. I do look forward to  church suppers every fall, though. Chicken and biscuits or turkey dinners on a crisp autumn evening - nothing better than that!

Enjoy our late summer weather while you can. The kids will be back in school in a matter of a couple weeks! Who knew time could pass so quickly?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome comment-Thanks so much! Sally Stewart Hynes…..w Shore Rd.

Road Work in Cabot

Cabot is working hard to get all the roads repaired after the flood damage in July. They are doing finishing touches to get ready for fall r...