Thursday, December 03, 2020

Dock Section Missing

I got out my Christmas lights the other day. I thought I'd try to comply with Governor Scott's suggestion about lighting up our homes for Christmas to lift our spirits during this pandemic. I had other things to attend to on the really warm days when it would have been easy to put up the lights, and now it's a tad colder. But I'll try to get it done. It will lift my spirit, too. I have my candles in the windows - but that's about it. I hope to cut some brush and make a swag or wreath perhaps later today. I do enjoy messing around with decorating. Even if I'm the only one who will see my creations, probably. However, we are planning some Zoom time together during the holidays, so perhaps I can set the stage for that so it will look pleasantly Christmasy! I love seeing the backgrounds in Zoom meetings. Sometimes there are unexpected things going on in the background, and if I'm on with Granddaughter Tangeni, I'll get a tour of the house and impromptu interviews with her parents. Next best thing to actually being there! Take care, everyone - be safe. We're so close to getting the vaccine, I'm very optimistic that we'll begin to see the numbers dropping once again and we can all begin to get back to a more normal life in the new year. So hang in there, stay at home as much as possible, then if you go out or see people, wear your masks, keep your distance, and get the shots as soon as the vaccine becomes available. Then it will be no time before we can begin to relax and get back to something near normal.
Karen and Jim Morris are missing a large section of their dock and hope someone has spotted it floating in the pond. Here is the description: It is a cedar board insert that is 4 ft. wide by 8 ft. long. I think we've had predominantly south winds recently, so it is probably somewhere in the big (third) pond, as the Morris's are at 207 Old Homestead Road. The number to call if you spot it is 802-839-0099.

We awoke to a white world (again) this morning. Just a little preview of what's ahead. The forecast for our next snowstorm due this weekend is pretty broad - anywhere from nothing to a couple inches of snow or we could get a foot or more! Nobody seems to know exactly what the track or strength of this storm will be. It might be all rain. It is supposed to arrive in our area on Saturday and will likely be messy over the weekend. It's definitely time for more snow to hit us, but I have to admit, I really appreciate the milder weather we've been having. 


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