Monday, May 27, 2019

    Another pretty nice day. There was a cooler than comfortable breeze that was great if you were working, but if you just wanted to sit and enjoy the sunshine, you were a little too cool. Tonight we are possibly getting a frost, and that's about normal for late May. It really isn't safe to have tender plants out until the second week in June, and sometimes even then there is an occasional night when the temperature drops awfully close to freezing.
    I've finished up the last of my Joe's Pond Association secretarial duties, I believe. The minutes of Saturday's meeting are posted on the website, I've spent most of today pulling out the albums where I've filed hundreds of reports and various other papers pertaining to JPA business, getting things ready to transfer to our new secretary, Jamie Stewart.
     When I took this job twenty years ago, I inherited a jumble of papers, many of which were over 70 years old, frayed and fragile. My first priority back then was to organize them and put them in archival sleeves to protect them from further damage and then file them in binders. Over the past 20 years, I've added many more papers, newspaper clippings and photos to the collection, so now there are at least a dozen binders and albums documenting the Joe's Pond Association activities. There are digital files as well, and those are ready for Jamie to have, as well.
    This weekend I had a couple of emails that had something to do with JPA and it was fun forwarding them or explaining I'm no longer secretary. I suppose that will happen for a little while, but people will quickly get in the habit of contacting Jamie instead of me. Of course, I'll miss that - I have always enjoyed the contacts with members or others with questions or concerns about the Association, and helping whenever I could. We will still be "available" to post information on the blog or website, but instead of Tom or me, you will need to contact Joe or Jamie about JPA stuff.
    I want to thank those of you who have either sent responses directly to Audrey Prospero about the town landing. If you haven't already contacted her (or me), please do so. I'm not sure when the information will be presented to the select board, but I'm sure they will want to repair the dock sooner rather than later - it's my understanding it's in really bad shape. So use the link I posted here on the blog and make your voice heard.
   The minutes of Saturday's Joe's Pond Association meeting are posted on the website for those who couldn't be at the meeting or others interested; Association members should contact  Joanne  Stewart and she will arrange to get your directory to you. If you need Ice-Out tickets, contact Mary Anne Cassani. I had previously said Diane Rossi or Michelle Walker, but Diane tells me Mary Anne is "keeper of the tickets" this year.
    We hope you had an enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend and honored the memory of those who have served our country as well as those who are serving now, putting their lives in danger to protect our freedom. Our nation is in unusual turmoil these days  and the men and women in our military are especially important right now. When you meet someone who has served or is serving in the military, remember to thank him or her. It doesn't matter if you don't actually know them - they are serving all of us without personally knowing us.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...