Friday, February 22, 2019

Another inch or so of snow last night - just enough to keep everything fresh and bright! And enough to have to shovel off the deck so I can get a fairly accurate reading from the next snow storm - and there will be one. We still have March ahead of us.
     We haven't had snowbanks like now for a few years. The town plow has been coming by every couple of weeks to wing back the banks along West Shore Road. If they didn't, we'd be down to one lane wide. Our driveway has become narrower at the bottom, but Jamie comes with his tractor and pushes the banks back for us. It gets so high at the foot of all the driveways you can't see what's coming down the road at  you - so Jamie has concentrated on keeping the banks pushed back around our mailboxes. There are three driveways that converge onto West Shore Road and it's really hard to find a place to put all the snow that comes from there.
     There are rules (laws) about pushing the snow across roads or highways, but during winters like this, it's hard to find any other way to deal with it.
Title 23 : Motor Vehicles
Chapter 013 : Operation of Vehicles
Subchapter 011 : Miscellaneous Rules
§ 1126a. Depositing snow onto or across certain highways prohibited
(a) No person, other than an employee in the performance of his or her official duties or other person authorized by the Agency of Transportation (in the case of State highways) or selectboard (in the case of town highways), shall plow or otherwise deposit snow onto the traveled way, shoulder, or sidewalk of a State highway or a class 1, 2, or 3 town highway.

     Do you know there are instructions for plowing snow on the internet? Nobody is surprised, I guess. Everything is on the internet. I've often wondered just how all that information gets there. Of course, somebody has to write it first, and that's the part that boggles my mind, being in the midst of my own huge writing project. Just about everything that ever happened in West Danville and was written about will be in this history book. We've all been through page after page of newspapers and documents to find all sorts of facts and factoids to include.
     Once again, if anyone has an interesting story - perhaps one that was NOT published - that you would like to have in this book, please let me know. Call me 802-563-2381 or send me an email I'm presently working on accidents that include everything from drownings to runaway horses. Then there's a chapter on some lawlessness that went on - mostly executed by highly inebriated individuals, but also a few ill-advised thieves. We are looking for funny stories or sad ones. It's all part of the fabric that makes up the community. Let me know what you remember or were told.

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Spring Weather/Good News

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