Thursday, October 25, 2018

Proposed Work Schedule, Week of 10/29/18, Cabot-Danville US 2 Reconstruction [Cabot-Danville FEGC F 028-3(36) C/2] 

Project Location: 
 The 1.4 mile project extends along US 2 from Last Road to Danville Hill Road in Cabot. This is a multi-year project with most of the work occurring in 2017/2018. Completion is scheduled for 2019.

Miscellaneous clean-up, ditch work, topsoiling and seeding will take place throughout the project. 

Side road work at Houghton Rd. has been completed.

Excavation at Last Road has been completed.

Grading and preparation will take place next week in preparation for paving the week of 11/5.

TRAVEL ALERT:  A speed reduction zone of 40 mph is in place for this project. There are increased fines for speed violations within the construction zone. 

TRAFFIC INFORMATION: Construction vehicles will be entering and exiting the work zone throughout construction hours, and as a result, alternating one-way traffic patterns with flaggers will be in place. Delays can be expected.
Please focus on safety when driving through the construction work zone and remember, it is against the law to use a hand held cell phone while driving in Vermont.
Contact Natalie Boyle, Project Outreach Coordinator, EIV Technical Services, with any questions or concerns in regard to this project at 802-855-3893 or

Natalie Boyle
Director of Communications

EIV Technical Services
The City Lights Building
106 East Allen St., Unit 506
Winooski, VT 05404

cell:  802.855.3893
office: 802.497.3653 ext.1037


 The Route 2 project is winding down for this year. It will be good to have that new bridge at the Folsom farm done for this winter - that old one was a really bad scene during winter driving. Bit by bit, Route 2 west is getting better. Maybe someday . . . !

We have snowflakes and wind today. The temperature is hovering right around 30 degrees and there is a sifting of snow hanging out on some hollows and along the edges of our driveway. When I went out to measure the precipitation (and snow depth!!!) this morning, the deck was very slippery. The snow that fell last night was like cornmeal - completely different from yesterday's wet, mushy variety.  There was very little moisture in today's by comparison. Actually, I only measured less than a quarter of an inch, and there's really nothing on the ground except in hollows and on some fallen leaves. The trees up on the hill in back of our house are still white, and the snow is blowing off of them in clouds as gusts hit. I expect it will all be gone in a day or so. I hope.

In the meantime, the air is really fresh, coming out of the northeast in chilly blasts. I was in West Danville yesterday to pick up the mail and, as usual, the wind was whipping through there. It's a natural wind tunnel coming down the pond and being compressed through the narrow gorge at West Danville village. I'm pretty sure it would be a productive spot to have a few wind towers for electricity. It could possibly give residents free power - and maybe some healthy dividends from the power companies? Maybe?

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