Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Looks like winter is here this morning! This is what I see
from my office window - it's quite lovely, and there is continued fine snow in the air, but the temperature is 34 degrees, so I expect by noon we'll be back to "normal"  - sort of. Who knows what normal weather is these days!? This looks more like November - but if the recent weather pattern holds, we'll have some unusually warm weather again before winter sets in for keeps - I hope. By the way, I need to adjust the time on my camera - it's about seven hours off . . .!
       I measured about half an inch of very wet snow this morning. It no doubt made the roads pretty dicey. There are always the fender-bender incidents during the changeover this time of the year. The snow is still falling - not the big, wet blobs we see in the spring - it's very fine and almost like mist, but it's definitely snow!
     I finally got my shrubs wrapped in burlap and some mulch laid down (over the weeds) so my flowers are as ready for winter as they'll get - and it's a relief (just in case my prediction we'll have another warm spell before the real deal is hogwash!)

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