Friday, October 26, 2018

Sign of the Season!

I received this photo this morning from Gretchen Farnsworth on
Sandy Beach Road. It may seem early to think about the pond freezing over, but we've had some really colder than usual nights for the past ten days or so, and the water is cooling accordingly. This area is at the head of the pond, in a fairly quiet area compared to the broad pond around the point from Gretchen's. There is movement a few yards out where the current from the channel water entering the pond flows past her house - and this is usually  the first area to show open water in the spring. The water foul love this quiet area. There are only a few homes in that area, so there isn't as much activity in the summer as on other parts of the pond.
     We are happy to see bright sunshine this morning. The snow is mostly gone from around our house - just a little in the shadows. The temperature should be getting up to a more normal reading, but last night we were at a low of 24F, and even now, I'm seeing only 30F. The sun and having no wind makes it seem much warmer.
     Spirits rise when the sun shines, so this should be a great day to do whatever is your pleasure. I know some of our Joe's Ponders are leaving today - many others have already headed south. We always miss them, and hope they will keep in touch and occasionally send me some pictures and messages that I can share here on the blog. Those of us who hang out here all winter appreciate some of the activities our friends are enjoying - golfing, swimming, dining in the sunshine and warmth - but while we might momentarily envy them those pleasures, most of us just prefer to "stay put." Travel is sometimes overrated, especially as we get older and our bones begin to creak from sitting too long and crowds and noise are more a bother than a party. No, I haven't turned into a curmudgeon - I am just very happy right where I am, close to friends, family and home territory. An occasional foray of a one or two day trip is all I need to see of the "rest of the world." Unless, of course, we get one of those brutal winters when we all wish we were someplace else . . . !

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Milfoil Committee and More

 This message came from Barry Cahoon this morning:  The Joes Pond Association has formed an Eurasian Watermilfoil Committee for the purpos...