Thursday, March 22, 2018

Today has been "one of those days." I had to go to St. Johnsbury for my regular dental appointment, and since I'd broken a tooth a couple weeks ago, was scheduled to get a crown directly after that appointment. Everything went well until the computer that was supposed to design the crown somehow failed and my "one=day crown" turned into the usual "two-appointment" one. I didn't mind - it's all good, either way. The temporary tooth is fine. But it sure did give the technician and the doctor some hectic moments trying to get everything to work the way it is supposed to.
     Long story short, I spent a little more time at the dentist office than planned, but no harm done. I got some shopping out of the way and made it home by mid-afternoon. I had intended to get the car washed, but gave that up after thinking about it a bit - West Shore Road is pretty mushy - a mix of snow and mud - so no real benefit to washing the car for a while.
      I had picked up some stew beef and really wanted beef stew for supper, so put that together so it could "stew" during the afternoon, then had to package up a couple of oral history books (Cabot's) to send off tomorrow, and by then it was too late to get into much on either the West Danville history book or the Joe's Pond Association newsletter. Some days are like that. When my time gets fractured, I have learned to just let it go and hope for better times ahead. I don't like to get started working on something on the computer and then be interrupted and have to leave it. Phone calls aren't that bad as I don't have to physically leave, but sometimes it's hard to get my train of thought back if I have to leave for a while.
     Right now I have a pesty cat sticking his nose in my ear and purring and then patting my shoulder with his paw to get some attention. No use trying to avoid him - if shoo him off the desk, he'll just sit and bawl at me until I pay him some attention. He probably wants to go outside and prowl in the night shadows, but that isn't going to happen!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...