Saturday, March 24, 2018

The big news today is that the block and flag are out on the ice!
It was a hard pull getting the heavy block through the snow.
The Ice-Out Contest ends soon, and we've been anxious to get the flag out and the clock hitched up. The weather has been so snowy and cold for a while, Larry delayed putting everything out, but we've had some nice days to settle the snow a bit and a stretch of warm weather heading our
Block in place.
way, so he was able to get it done. The contest closes at 11:59 p.m. on April 1, so that leaves just a little over a week to get all the guesses in.
    Michelle "Shelly" Walker is working with Diane Rossi and Mary Anne Cassani on distributing and picking up tickets - plus lots of other stuff
Setting the stakes to keep the ropes free.
that needs to be done in the process of promoting the contest and keeping things running smoothly. And Henretta Splain is busy entering information on the spreadsheet so we'll be able to find the winner when the time comes. I haven't been much help this year, but the contest is in good hands without me.
A job well done!
    I spoke with Diane this afternoon and she said Larry will hitch up the clock soon. He was anxious to get the stuff out onto the ice before the warm weather because depending on how things go, it could be dangerous to go out there soon. It really isn't important for the clock to begin running until it gets close to the time it might go through the ice - so there's plenty of time.
     Shelly got the above pictures today. We were hoping that Eva Sollberger, who does the "Stuck in Vermont" segments every Friday on WCAX is going to do a story about our Ice-Out Contest, and we were hoping she would get here today while Larry was putting the apparatus out on the ice, but she didn't make it. She has been talking with Shelly, and we're hoping it gets on next Friday, but it might not. It would give ticket sales a bit of a boost.


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Update & Request

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