Monday, July 06, 2015

Our first day of heavy traffic on West Shore Road is behind us and only 27 more to go.  There have been more vehicles going by, and most were traveling at a good clip when they go by our house, but in that respect, today has been no different than most days. When we went out this morning, there were enough cars in both directions that nobody was going very fast. However, a neighbor on Brickett's Crossing Road sent this message earlier today: 
The unrecognized general vehicle traffic is very fast as if they are still on RT15.   Heavy trucks went by very early this morning. 

Concern remains high for the summer camper families and casual pedestrians, horses, bikers and wild life that frequents our roads. 

It will be an interesting month.  Hopefully safe, too. 

I wasn't watching the traffic closely, so I don't know if there was any law enforcement out and about.  All I can say right now is, "So far, so good."

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