Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Anyone interested in seeing the minutes of the Joe's Pond Association meeting last Saturday can find them on home page, J P Assn, Minutes.

There are a few tickets left for the steak dinner coming up this Saturday.  Larry Rossi told us at the meeting they are nice big strip sirloins.  Potato, steak and corn - what more could one want?  If you are thinking, "dessert," they will have plenty of that, too.  The dinners are always great fun and it's a nice way to meet old friends and make some new ones.

Homer said the church service at Peacham on the 5th was wonderful.  To hear and see a video, turn on your speakers and click HERE

Speaking of videos, Fred has put the video of our Joe's Pond fireworks on home page - many thanks to Andy Rudin for making that and sharing it.

I have sad news.  Esther Montgomery passed away on Monday, July 6th.  Esther was 86 and had been a long-time Joe's Pond member with her husband, Bryce, who survives her.  There will be a celebration of her life at the West Danville United Methodist church on Saturday, August 8th, at 11 o'clock.  A memorial fund has been set up to benefit the West Danville United Methodist Church's Roof Fund, P. O. Box 211, West Danville VT 05873.
Our sincere sympathy goes to Bryce and his family.

We are glad to hear Andy LaPrade is doing much better.  He is out of hospital and in the Berlin Convalescent Center.  It looks like he will be back home soon.

When I was in St. Johnsbury earlier this week, I noticed a sign at Rite Aide Pharmacy on Railroad Street that they are offering shingles shots.  They said the shots will be "on-going," at least for a while, but since these clinics usually don't last too long, if you haven't had a shot to prevent shingles, you may want to consider calling the pharmacy there, 748-5210, to find out about getting one.  We have both had the shot - after I'd had shingles a couple of times (no fun!!), but for a while they either weren't available or were very expensive, and I know several people who haven't had the shots.  This may be a good time to get it done.

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