Monday, July 06, 2015

Do you think summer may finally be here?  Sure is a pretty day out there today.  We had to be in St. Johnsbury this morning, but even there it was pretty nice and people seemed to be enjoying another day of sun and warmth.

I have just a couple of things to mention today.  Henretta Splain sent this note to clarify any misconception that the  "Spirits of Vermont" wine tasting fund raising event for the Pope Library in Danville is limited to alcoholic beverages.  Here's Henretta's note: 

Yesterday's event was successful and it was a really lovely mix of people - both attendees and vendors.  Bailiwick's did us proud and Peacham Café was a nice homey addition.  I don't know if people know, since we advertise the 'spirits', but we do have Sumptuous Syrups who always do special cold non-alcoholic drinks for us. And Vermont Coffee Company always provides our coffee. 
This is nice to know - sounds like there's something for everyone!  Thank you, Henretta, we'll try to remember to mention that next year, too. 
Last year I had a message and a photo from Karen Cobb at the narrows between the big pond and the middle pond.  This year the apparition is back. She sees a perfect image of a cottage that isn't there.  At first she couldn't figure it out, but then she realized it is a reflection of a cottage up the shoreline a bit from theirs, and it just appears tucked in beside Keri Lizer's on the opposite shore.  Karen told me today there was a connection years ago between her place and that of her neighbor's up the road, and we've decided the image is caused by  gentle spirits nudging at Karen's subconscious in order to help her recall wonderful past memories.   If you click on the photo you'll see the  image of Mary Ellen Stover's cream-colored cottage where it should not be and really isn't - but for Karen, it IS there, not always, but often - and from various vantage points on their porch.  I love friendly spirits like that!

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Ice Update - Sort Of!

A reader asked about the condition of the ice on Joe's Pond. I do not have a first-hand report. My fisherman friend told me he hasn'...