Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We got lots of rain last night, and fortunately only a brief electrical storm.  I measured .85 inch of rain in my gauge this morning, which was not as much as some of the reports from southern Vermont, but in the ballpark for our area.  With more on the way later today and tomorrow, we should be making up for all that dry weather.  We awoke to pretty serious fog this morning, but it is beginning to rise now.  I can see it along the treetops on the hill behind our house, but at this level we are fairly clear and I'm able to see the pond again.  It's 60 degrees, and there's a nice breeze, so not a bad day overall.

I waited a bit too long to get out to work in my garden this afternoon - or maybe my subconscious was working overtime - I wasn't too enthusiastic in the first place, but I got in about 15 minutes before it started raining.  Now I'm hearing thunder, so that's my weeding time for today, and tomorrow and Friday are going to be rainy, so I lucked out.  Things are looking pretty good, though.  Peas and radishes are up, also some early beets.  However, I have to say, those things came up quickly but haven't really flourished.  I've had that experience before, planting early and then ending up with nothing doing very well so then replanting later in the season.  Some folks just don't learn, I guess.

That's sort of like our cat, Woody.  We trained him right away (and easily) to bat a sap spout hung on a string so it raps on the kitchen door when he wants to come in.  I put the same arrangement on the front door, but all these years he's never used it, so after a few tries, I took it in - until this spring.  I put it back on the door one day about a week ago when the weather was super nice and we had the front door open.  With the inside door closed, we really didn't expect to hear it, but a few days later we were in the living room and heard an unfamiliar tapping.  We finally realized it was coming from the area of the front door and then discovered Woody sitting on the deck patiently waiting for us to answer his knock.  We've had him for something like 7 years and he finally "gets it?" 

Traffic Alert
Danville Route 2 Project
Project:  Danville FEGC 028-3(32)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Work will continue on installing curbing on the side roads that surround the Village Green. 
Access to Smith, Peacham and Park Street will be closed at various times throughout the day.  Travel may be reduced to one-way around the construction area. 
Traffic control will be present to assist in re-routing traffic in this area.
Route 2 will be reduced to alternating one-way at times throughout the day.   

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Milfoil Report

Eurasian Watermilfoil information from Barry Cahoon,  JPA Response Coordinator,  9/18/2024           I suspect most, if not all Joe’s Pond ...