Sunday, June 10, 2012

We always enjoy hearing from friends and neighbors when something wonderful happens in their family.  Today I had an e-mail from Liz and John Randall who have a summer home across the road from us.  We've watched their three youngsters grow up and all have been successful in their fields.  Liz shared son Matt's recent achievement (below), and we wish Matt every success as he continues his studies. 
On May 4th, Matthew John Randall, a 2005 graduate of Miller Place High School and son of Elizabeth (McDowell)  and John F. Randall of Miller Place, successfully defended his thesis, “Acrolein in Epithelial Redox Signaling: The Role of Thioredoxin Reductase 1.” He was awarded the degree of Master of Science in pathology with a concentration in environmental toxins from the University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.  Further, Matthew has been offered a position at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, to continue his education toward a PhD in toxicology.

 At left is a picture of Liz, Matt and John.  We haven't seen them for a while, and I was surprised at John's "Vermonter" beard.  Liz says he wants to be a "mountain man."  I'd say he's got the look down pat.  Way to go, John!! 

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