Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I had to run off for an appointment this morning, so I didn't check my e-mail until lunch time - and look what I found!

Pat & George Parizo on Sandy Beach Road wrote:

Good Morning Jane.
Thought you might like to see this moose that just walked across our front lawn over to the Gagne's and then down Sandy Beach Road. Couldn't get a picture on our lawn as we had to get the cameras. Pat and George
Apparently, Ma Moose had visited the Parizo's on Sandy Beach Road before she went up the hill to breakfast on our little maple trees! These pictures were taken at 8:13 a.m. this morning, ours were taken at 8:51. We aren't sure how long she'd been munching on our maples before we saw her, but she was definitely not in any hurry to get wherever she was going.

I had an e-mail from Henretta Splain just above us, and it seems her dog, Cassie, may have seen or at least sensed something - Here's Henretta's message:
Rats! I missed the moose! Saw the old girl in the blog this morning. You know I keep getting the feeling something is wandering around out there when Cassie gives a funny kind of bark. I know when Woodie is around b/c she barks differently then when people jog or walk by. Maybe I'll get to see it one of these days. Henret

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