Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What To Do On a Cool, Foggy Day in October

We had a full day today. Fred started his day very early this morning by taking our recyclables to the Hardwick Recycling Center. The day was foggy and neither of us had much planned that we really wanted to tackle - too wet to work outside, we'd both had enough computering already this week - so we decided to go grocery shopping. Now, that really doesn't take two of us, but it does get done faster when we both go. On second thought, that's true only when Fred doesn't take his camera with him. If he has the camera, he's either taking pictures or talking with other camera buffs, and I'm pretty much on my own until it's time to load the groceries into the car. Today he had the camera.

We stopped at the Danville Town Clerk's office. That's Ginny Morse on the left and her assistant, Sharon Daniell. I'm taking care of business with my back to the camera. The ladies didn't seem to mind having their picture taken, in fact, Ginny commented she was glad to meet Fred because she was beginning to think he was a phantom. I assured her he's quite real but explained he's usually confined to his computer working on the web site.

As we left the town offices, Fred took a picture of the street looking west. They didn't resurface the road through Danville village this summer, I suppose because it will be torn up sometime in the next several years to complete the make-over that's been planned for something like 20 years. The Farmers' Market was just getting going, not too many people around yet. That's the Diamond Hill Store across the street, but we didn't need chocolate or wine today - even though they have a nice variety of those items and many other things there.

When we got to St. Johnsbury, going down Maple Street, the hill in front of us looked very colorful, but the picture didn't turn out so great. Sort of like when someone takes my picture . . . it always turns out really bad. They say cameras don't lie, but neither are they kind to some of us. I've heard the expression, "the camera loves her," so I guess it's probable cameras hate me.

We started our shopping at White's Market on Portland Street. That's the produce department shown below. We were there a little longer than we expected - Fred met someone to talk cameras with, and I bumped into a couple people I was pleased to chat with. From White's we went to Price Chopper - we shop for their specials and Fred particularly likes their bakery! We meet friends there, too.

As we came through West Danville there were quite a lot of out-of-state cars there. We didn't stop because I'd been down yesterday so I didn't need to check the mail or anything. On the Danville end of West Shore Road we found the road crew digging out the ditch and lining it with crushed rock - I think they call it "rip-rap"- which could be part of the plan Ray Richer has talked to us about to control run-off into the pond.

Right after lunch I had a call from Jane Larrabee asking for more Ice-Out tickets, so I went back down to West Danville with them. I took the camera with me, but I really didn't see anything to take a picture of that Fred hadn't already covered this morning. The sun broke through this afternoon and the foliage is very nice, but it's sort of like in the winter when I take lots of snow pictures until I'm tired of them and I'm pretty sure so is everyone else. I guess this week will be the best color of this season, though, and there are lots of visitors around to enjoy it, but I guess we'll let someone else take the pictures - we'll wait for the snow this weekend.

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