Saturday, October 13, 2007


As promised, here are some pictures from Today's event. There were nearly 30 pies entered in the adult category, and I didn't get a count on the two childrens' contests, but I think there were nearly as many there. I took this picture of the pies as they were being tagged before the judging.

There were lots of crafters, as predicted, and folks I talked to had done pretty well. There were plenty of people around - it is hard to judge just how many, but there was a steady flow at the craft tables and for the food. Pies sold well, too. I think everyone was happy with the event. I met lots of very nice
people. The three ladies pictured here are, left to right, Dale Orlando, from Boston, Clo Pitkin of Marshfield, and Dody Epstein from New York City. I think Dale and Dody were guests of Clo Pitkin and they planned on having pie at dinner tonight.

Around here girls and boys start making pies at a really young age. There is a category for kids to age 6 - I'm not positive, but I think that is either Olivia Bellevance, 1st
place winner in that category, or Olivia Jones, winner of the "Pie-Man" award in that category.

Then there was the age 9-12 contest, and Eli Lewis won 1st prize in that age group. Eli is shown receiving his award from Master of Ceremonies, Larry Gochey.
There were several boys entered in the two kids' contests and boys took 2nd place in each one.

In the Adult contest, Audrey Wilson of Craftsbury got the blue ribbon. Audrey has a B&B in Craftsbury and has entered the
contest for several years, so she was thrilled to come away with a 1st place this year.

The crowd enthusiastically bid on the winners' pies after the contest. Finally, to the foot-tapping tunes of the Sue Carpenter and Friends band, the crowd began to thin out.

There were several Joe's Ponders at the Festival - thanks for coming! I got to see lots of folks both from in town and away who I don't often see, and that was fun. I signed up a few new members for the Historical Society, and gave out quite a few Ice-Out tickets. Now the Cabot Historical Society is officially closed until spring. We'll be up and running sometime in April or May, weather permitting. I will now settle into my winter's work scanning photos, documents, journals, diaries, and carefully storing originals. One day we hope to have the information and photos I'm working on all available on-line and/or in albums for people to access or to see in our resource center at the historical society building.
Big job, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing the pieces of the town's history come together.

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