Saturday, November 18, 2006

We delivered newsletters to some of the year 'rounders this morning. The weather has changed to a more normal November temperature - in the 30's and windy. It was cold almost anywhere on the pond. We were glad to get back onto the hill where we're sheltered a bit from the north wind. A few days ago someone told me how interesting it is to see the changes going on around the pond. That was enough to send Fred and me out with the camera. Our first stop was on Old Homestead at the Desrochers cottage. That is coming along very well as you can see - it's enclosed, ready for the inside work. Next door, the Stover cottage has had some sprucing up, as well. That is an awsome window on the upper level.

Directly across the water from there we noticed some work being done on another cottage - I believe it is Kari Lizer's. Looks as if there is a new foundation and some roof work. On Barre Avenue, we thought the Morley's cottage had been leveled, but after looking at it from a different angle, I now believe it is the Alonzo's cottage that has been taken down and will be rebuilt on a new foundation. Barre Avenue is changing, that much we're certain about.

At the other end of the big pond, Billy Hamilton's place is looking really nice. We took the picture from the Erdman cottage next to the pavilion, and there was a bitterly cold wind whipping through the pavilion so we didn't hang out. We took a picture of Erdman's, which appears to be pretty much all done except for some decking. While we were there, we snapped a picture of the Silloway and Powers cottages. That shoreline has changed quite a bit in the past five years. Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

We were really glad to get back into
our warm car. As we were leaving, I noticed the red fencing in front of the Farmer cottage. That may be to help contain some of the snow that blows in there during the winter. I imagine it drifts there pretty badly some winters. There hasn't been much snow so far, but now the unseasonably warm weather is gone, we are expecting some flurries in the next couple of days, though. We hope you enjoy looking at the pictures from the comfort of your warm home. We are happy to be able to post them for you.

The newsletters are "in the mail" and everyone should have theirs at least by Monday or Tuesday. We have also posted the newsletter on the web site, In transferring it, some details were lost, so the on-line version is not as nice as Evelyn's printed copy. For that I apologize. She did a great job of designing and printing, as usual, so thank you, Evelyn, and I also thank everyone who contributed their reports or articles. We also thank those who purchased ads to help defray the cost of publishing. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...