Thursday, November 16, 2006

Here's some good news -

I had an e-mail from Tom and Camilla Dente yesterday. Tom reports Camilla is doing very well. She's walking up to a mile on days she doesn't have physical therapy, and is feeling fine. In case any of you don't know - Camilla suffered some heart problems on the weekend of Danville's Autumn on the Green. She was admitted to NVRH in St. Johnsbury and then sent to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH. After a brief stay there, she came home to Joe's Pond where Tom, with the help of friends here, hurriedly closed camp so he and Camilla could return to their home in
Connecticut earlier than originally planned so Camilla could get started with physical therapy. Thanks to the quick actions of Tom, Dr. Joe Hebert at the Danville Health Center, and the excellent care at both NVRH and Dartmouth Hitchcock, this story has a happy ending and Camilla will be fine.

We have another bit of good news, although an an entirely different level. Workers have been busy at the Marlyn Rouleau cottage on W. Shore Road. Trucks have hauled in literally tons of fill to raise the level of the lot at their camp. In addition, the stumps and brush left after Randy Rouleau cleared the lot from the cottage to W. Shore Rd, is being taken away and workmen told us today that it will be completely cleaned up. I'm sure everyone in the neighborhood will be pleased that this is taking place. Above is a picture of the lot when the trees were cut in 2004.

Down the road at the Bob and Dottie Noyes cottage, a water well was drilled this week. Work on the renovations is progressing nicely and we're beginning to see how the changes will look. You won't recognize their place next summer.

It's hard to keep up with all the things going on just on West Shore Road, and I'm sure there are more improvements happening at other locations around the pond. For instance, there is something going on down on Birch Bound Road - I'm not certain, but it may be at the Robinson's. Then, on Edgewood Ave., there seems to be some "new wood" showing up on the Richard and Stephen Dente cottage. In a couple of days, after we get the newsletter in the mail, I'll take some time and drive around the pond to scout for other changes.

Still no information on that aluminum boat that was found floating loose a few days ago. With all the rain and wind we're getting here tonight anything not securely tied down is likely to end up lost, battered, or both. Things are pretty soggy. And wild. The temperature hasn't dropped - yet. Later, on the weekend, there may be some snow, but tonight I'm getting a reading of 60.3 degrees!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...