Friday, January 17, 2025

Milfoil Committee and More

 This message came from Barry Cahoon this morning: 

The Joes Pond Association has formed an Eurasian Watermilfoil Committee for the purpose of supporting JPA efforts to contain and, if possible, eradicate the current invasive milfoil infestation. 
The EWM Committee held its first meeting via ZOOM on Tuesday 01/14.

To find out more about the committee organization, membership, efforts to achieve the EWM related goals of the JPA, and learn how JPA members and members the the wider Joes Pond Community can get involved to support the work of the committee, the meeting minutes are now viewable on the Milfoil page of the JPA website.

Here are the minutes of that meeting. Eurasian Watermilfoil Committee


I had another computer "experience" a couple of days ago. While working on my desktop computer, I went to research something on line and suddenly my computer froze so I couldn't click out of the site I was on, an alarm began sounding and a message came up warning me to NOT turn off my computer as that would damage it, but to call a Microsoft number that was displayed prominently for help. I immediately turned off my computer. I've had this happen before. It startles the bejeebers out of you when this happens with all the noise and warnings, but I knew that calling that number would open a pathway for whatever scam this was, probably to get money for "fixing" the problem. I left the computer off for about an hour, and when I turned it on again, everything was normal. In case you want to know more about this pretty clever scam, click HERE.

Our weather has moderated somewhat today and we even had a glimmer of sunshine earlier this morning. Now my thermometer is registering 28F and I notice there are a few random snowflakes in the air, but they are kind of lazily floating downward with no wind at all. All of that is fine since we've had a fair amount of blowing snow and deep cold in the past several days - but only one night below zero here.

I'm saddened to report that Larry Gochey passed away this week. He was 77 years old. Larry grew up in Cabot and took public service to his town very seriously, serving on the Select Board and as Road Commissioner in past years. Even when not holding an office, Larry watched over his town and saw to it that things got done. I knew him through the Cabot Historical Society, which Larry always supported vigorously. We will miss him, and our thoughts are with his wife Cherry and the family. Condolences may be sent to Cherry at P. O. Box 2, Cabot, Vermont 05647.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the comment Jane and for all you do with the “Blog!”

Important Messages

 From Dorothea Penar:  Thank you to all of you at Joe’s Pond for your kind expressions of sympathy, and loving messages about our son Geoffr...