Friday, August 09, 2024

Change of Plans!

As most Joe's Ponders know, the final social event of the season for the Joe's Pond Association is the Cocktail Party, scheduled this year for August 24, 2024. The band that was hired is unable to play due to one of the band members being injured, so co-chairs Nancy Buttura and Susan Yesalonia have had to scramble to come up with an alternate plan. This morning I received the following from Susan:
Nancy and I met this week and have decided to move forward with the Cocktail Party without the service of a band. After talking with several people in an attempt to seek out a replacement for the Messengers, a quieter party with background music playing is the best option for us at this point, with only two weeks left before the event. We have decided on the following changes:
The party will be an opportunity for people to get together with JPA friends and family to visit and celebrate the end of summer at the pond. 
1. There will be no charge for attending the cocktail party. A donation jar will be left on a table at the front entrance if people want to donate money for the event. (Anyone that pre-purchased cocktail party tickets will be reimbursed.)
2. The Silent Auction will take place! This year (so far) we have 18 items up for auction. Proceeds from the auction will go to JPA.
3. We intend to play music from the 1960's and 70's in the background. A dance floor will be reserved from those who wish to kick up their heels.
4. People that plan on attending the party are asked to bring an appetizer to pass and refreshments are BYOB. 

We thank the JPA community for their support on these changes and hope we can have a band again next year! 

Sue (and Nancy)
Susan told me they can use a few more items for the silent auction, so put on your thinking caps and see what you can come up with. Give them a call: Nancy - 802 297-4146, or Susan - 802-573-2977.



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