Monday, June 10, 2024

Mystery Solved!

 At least two of my readers know that bridge walkway to the barn. It is near Woodbury Lake, and is well known. I have not seen it, but I will seek it out soon, for sure. Love that the photo sent to me is almost identical to the one on the link. Many thanks to my two readers who responded so quickly - mystery solved!

We have another rainy-ish day to start off the week. We've had pretty steady rain showers for a couple days now, and things are brightening up nicely. The grass is growing - of course! and everything looks bright and fresh. The water level in my pond has recovered nicely. I expect the water level in Joe's Pond is up a bit - hopefully being controlled by the dam in West Danville. I haven't heard if it is unusually high.

I'm expecting some workmen to come today for some outside work, but that may not happen if the weather doesn't dry out. Not good weather for painting outside. We'll see how it goes. My porch is in need of having the stain touched up on all the cedar. I think I mentioned before that I used whey-based stain manufactured in Hardwick, Vermont. Because I started off with that - and have quite a lot left - I'm going to continue to use it; but it really doesn't hold up the way I'd hoped. On some surfaces it has completely disappeared, leaving the wood looking old and dried out, and on other surfaces, it has peeled up in long golden slivers. Very disappointing. I complained to the company, but they seemed to think having it disappear over just a few months was normal and it was "doing what it's supposed to do." I guess they mean it disappears so every few months it has to be redone. Not all of it - just where it's exposed to the weather. On the inside of the porch it's still very nice and most of it won't need touching up. I guess that's par for the course for paints and stains these days, now that oil-based paint is out of favor. I have to say, it was a joy to work with when I was conditioning all the lumber that went into the porch - went on nicely and dried quickly - two coats (as prescribed) on everything, and where it isn't exposed to the weather, it's beautiful. Can't have everything, I know.And so far I haven't found anyone who knows of a product available that will stand up to the weather any better. 

I hope everyone has a productive and safe week ahead - the weather will improve, we're told!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much to your readers who identified for us where this barn is. Can't wait to visit it again! THANK YOU :)

Ice Update - Sort Of!

A reader asked about the condition of the ice on Joe's Pond. I do not have a first-hand report. My fisherman friend told me he hasn'...