Thursday, April 25, 2024

Spring Thoughts and Trials

 I heard the first frogs of the season on Tuesday. I was working on getting my porch set up ready for summer weather and realized there were occasional frog sounds coming from my pond. They were rather tentative and I immediately thought the frogs probably had the same doubts about whether that beautiful, warm and sunny day was the beginning of something wonderful - or just a tease. Turns out, it was the latter. Yesterday turned into another wet, cold, snow/rain mix of a day and last night the temperature dropped to 17.4F. No self-respecting frog is going to croak over weather like that. Today is still very chilly with my thermometer not yet reaching 40 degrees in the shade of the house. Even in the sun it feels cold because of the sharp west wind. Still no peepers, but they will be warming up soon.

After getting my porch summer-ready earlier in the week, my spring optimism prevailed yesterday and I got the screens put on my kitchen windows. They are difficult to do because of insulated blinds that make it tricky to get everything lined up just right. I have to work from a step stool in order to reach into the corner where my sink is, with a window on either side. I love the "cockpit" effect of having the sink there - but it's a bear to wash those windows or get the screens in. I have Woods Windows wash all my windows and take the pesky screens out in the fall - but the remainder of the year, it's up to me.

I also re-potted some of my house plants. I had been waiting for a warm day to do it outside, but finally gave up on that yesterday and dove in. I covered my counter with plastic and it actually went pretty well. It was more comfortable working there than at a lower level outside - but of course I had more cleanup to do. I have a couple more very large plants that need attention, too, and I may tackle them later today. 

As with most of the tasks I attempt these days, I often run out of energy before I finish a project. I was very tired by supper time last night., so I intended to fix a quick supper and settle in my recliner for the rest of the evening. However, "Murphy's Law" often disrupts the best laid plans. When I pulled out my big sliding under-counter storage shelf to get a pan, the darned thing came off the track and dumped pots, pans, wooden bowls and measuring cups in a heap at the back of the cupboard. I think I may have said some unkind words about the guy that invented such a device, and then I shoved the thing back as far as I could and closed the doors on it. It was too much to deal with and I knew that trying to get it back on the tracks then would not go well. So - that was the first thing I did this morning while my coffee was brewing and I had both energy and patience for the day ahead. In the process, I found some items I no longer need, so the load on the shelf is lighter, nothing got broken, and the rummage sale pile has some additions.

Have a happy, resourceful day - spring is in the air!

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