Monday, April 01, 2024

Last Call!

 This is your last opportunity to enter the Joe's Pond Ice-Out Contest! The contest officially closes tonight at midnight. If you want to get one more shot at winning, you can still buy tickets on line HERE

The flag is still standing firm, as you can see in this photo that Diane Rossi sent to me this afternoon. There is a lot of open water showing in both the smaller ponds, but the largest pond, where the flag is set up, is showing little open water except at the north end where the channel comes in. The ice is reportedly softening and each day takes a toll. However, last night the thermometer went below freezing, and that slows everything down. Now we are expecting measurable snow probably Wednesday and Thursday, and it's anybody's guess what that will mean for the process of melting the remaining ice - IF the clock doesn't stop sooner. Will snow serve to insulate the ice and prolong the process? Will snow weigh heavily on the remaining soft ice and hasten the process? It's anybody's guess, so get into the game if you think you have a good take on when the block may go through the ice and stop the clock. Your guess could be the winner and you could get a check of approximately $5,000! GOOD LUCK!

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Ice Update - Sort Of!

A reader asked about the condition of the ice on Joe's Pond. I do not have a first-hand report. My fisherman friend told me he hasn'...