Saturday, March 30, 2024

March Winds

We've had strong winds for the past couple of days. Last night it seemed the wind picked up as the sun went down, and somewhere around 3:30 a.m. this morning the power went out for a short time. Diane Rossi sent this picture this morning of the Ice-Out Contest clock - securely wrapped and bound against being blown away and damaged. She said she was out on her deck at about 10 p.m. when she realized she wasn't going to get any sleep if she was worrying about the clock. My weather station recorded gusts of about 30 mph - and it is still blowing hard now. The temperature is reading 33.3F, but with the wind chill factored in, it feels more like 23F. This is pretty typical for March. Even though the wind feels cold, there is still melting going on.

Happy Easter.

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