Friday, March 15, 2024

Ice Report

 In case you've wondered where I've been all week, I've been here at home, isolated with Covid. Yup, I finally got it! I must have gotten overconfident or something - I was out of the house only once last week, on Friday for lunch with son, Bob, and on Sunday I felt I was coming down with something. I tested negative then, but on Monday morning I felt worse and tested positive -- and it's been downhill from there. I finally got Paxlovid on Wednesday, and that seems to have helped, but honestly I don't believe I've ever had such severe symptoms that lasted for so long. I've had bad colds in the past, and this is pretty much what my symptoms have been, but this was harsher and seems to be lasting longer. Today is the first day I've felt anywhere near "normal" - and even that has been fleeting. My energy level is nil. Not that I much mind doing nothing -- but there are easier ways to achieve "permission" to be lazy than this.

I've had lots of attention from family and friends - all from a distance, of course - so I was checked often and perfectly fine except for feeling horrible. I wasn't aware of anyone around us having cold symptoms as Bob and I had lunch, but who knows. I did stop briefly at a grocery store, but there again, I was careful to not get close to anyone and it certainly wasn't crowded. Oh, well. I'm now initiated and I can only hope that having had Covid will perhaps build a little natural immunity - I'm not sure it works that way, but I'm going to hand onto that thought.

I wanted to share with you this photo from Diane Rossi of the Ice-Out setup as it looked this morning. The snow is melting, day and night, so water is running into the pond off the hillsides and will be helping to reduce the ice pack on the pond from underneath. I have about 5 or 6 inches of snow on the ground around my house, although there are some bare spots, too, after a warm day today and rain. I think it's safe to say that spring is here. I'm noticing some pussy willows in my back yard! 

So that's it from here. My friend, Bob Mackay is going to get me an ice measurement tomorrow and I'll post that as soon as I hear from him. I was a little surprised he's still willing to go out on the ice, but he said last week he measured 18 inches but he did say he was going to proceed with caution. In the meantime, get your tickets in soon, just in case the ice doesn't hold until April 1.

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Ice Update - Sort Of!

A reader asked about the condition of the ice on Joe's Pond. I do not have a first-hand report. My fisherman friend told me he hasn'...