Monday, September 18, 2023

Autumn Reminders

 It has been a while since I've written here, and that's primarily because I've been having issues with my eyes focusing, a result of Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) that I get shots for regularly; however, this summer I went a bit longer than normal between shots, and apparently backslid a bit. After the shots last Wednesday, I seem to be getting a bit better each day, but I'm still not quite back to where it is really comfortable either working on my computer or reading anything - especially texting on my iPhone. But I'm getting there.

In the meantime, it's that time of year when I begin thinking about buttoning up for colder weather. On a whim, one of those cold evenings last week I brought most of my plants in from the porch. It just seemed like temperatures in the 40s might stress them a bit.I also exchanged a screen for a glass panel in one of my storm doors. One other door never got a screen this year because of all the commotion going on in my garage. My front door has an adjustable panel which is very handy, but really brutal on fingernails!

I know it's probably too early to think about fall, but here's the thing: if I get things buttoned up now, that will almost certainly insure there will be some really warm, pleasant weather ahead. At least, that's my hope. And it also is better to do it when it isn't too darned cold and uncomfortable. 

The trees are still mostly green, but I'm seeing a tinge of brown on some of my maples. I've heard from folks in other parts of the state that trees are turning a dull brown in most cases - not brilliant colors yet. There's still time. This Saturday is No. Danville's chicken pie supper, and Wednesday is the deadline for reservations for either sit-down meals or getting take-out. It is one of the best fall suppers around, so don't miss it!

Joe's Pond is a lot quieter now that many of our summer folks have left. There are still year-around residents and some who like to stay for the foliage or even through the holidays.It seems there are more than the usual number of changes happening this year or plans being made for the near future - people either selling their cottages or passing them on to the next generation. As someone pointed out recently, the Joe's Pond Community is aging. I think some years there is a generational change-over - it seems to go in cycles when a lot of people are re-thinking their future because of their age. We'll get started with another aging population of retired people looking for a cool place (in every sense) to spend their summers with options of basking in the warmth of some more moderate clime each winter.  Living here year around is not for everyone!

Please remember that hunting season is nearly upon us, so when you are walking or biking on roads or trails in the area, wear something either bright orange or brilliant yellow or red so you will not be mistaken for game. Enjoy the autumn! It's a wonderful time of the year!

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