Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Italian Dinner and Sunfish Race

 There is a busy weekend lining up here at Joe's Pond. The annual Italian Dinner is on Saturday evening, and on Sunday the second Sunfish Race of the season. Susan Bouchard sent this reminder:

The second Sunfish Sailboat race for 2021 is this Sunday, July 25 with the race starting at 1pm sharp.  Any sailors interested in racing please contact me for a registration form if not already done so for the season.  If you don't have a boat but want to sail, or if you have a Sunfish that you no longer use, please get in touch with me so I can possibly match sailors with boats.   If a rain date is needed, it will be the following Sunday, August 1st. 

Susan's phone is 802-563-2716.

The porch is coming along - the decking is complete and they will begin framing it up probably tomorrow. They are getting ready also to put in the sliding door - depending on when they can get it and when other materials are available. They want to be sure they are ready so no time is wasted. Carpenters are very busy this year making up for lost time during the Covid pandemic. Also, not all materials are available when you need them. Apparently companies are still having a hard time finding people to work. Some are afraid of going to work and having to deal with unvaccinated people; others I gather have no incentive to work as long as they have sufficient money coming from the government.

Today Curt was bothered by wasps that had taken up residence behind the shutters on the window overlooking the deck. That window will have to come out as the door will go there. Nobody got stung, but there were some anxious moments! Fortunately, they weren't the real aggressive type of wasps. Some of those will follow you relentlessly, and I don't know many people who have been able to outrun them! These today just circled around, confused at being suddenly exposed and losing their nest. I just hope they don't take up residence underneath the porch! Between wasps and the snakes that lie on the nearby rocks on sunny days, it is an interesting place to work. Curt doesn't mind snakes, but Randy is not a fan. 

If you noticed the sunset last night you know that it was unusual. I didn't happen to see it, but on the weather this morning it was mentioned that the coloring was caused by the haze of smoke from the fires out west. I have certainly noticed the haze today - both the color of the sky and the smell. It's amazing that it is discernible all the way across the nation. I can't imagine what those poor people who live out there are going through. It must be terrifying and heartbreaking.

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Spring Mix!

I started this a couple days ago but got kind of busy and never got back to it. I had posted about the Route 2 construction, but that notice...