Monday, September 14, 2020

End of Summer - Autumn Approaching!

 We're expecting another very chilly night tonight with frost warnings for most of our northern Vermont area. Cover tender plants, just in case! There are more blushes showing on our trees every day, but it's still pretty green. We didn't get much rain yesterday - I measured only .09 in. Every little bit helps, but today there's lots of wind and that will dry things out considerably.

Another sign of the end of summer is the Sunfish Caledonia Cup celebration - this year celebrating 50 years of sailing. Rosie Smith send these photos of the party at Smith's Point a week ago Sunday.

For a complete history of the Sunfish races at Joe's Pond, go to the Joe's Pond website, and click on History. You'll find Sunfish racing and more there. Congratulations to all the sailors, some new to sailing here, others who were sailing in those early races. We especially thank Susan Chatot Bouchard who, with Tom Dente, resurrected the races in 2016. Enthusiasm remains high and competitive sailing is just one of the many activities that appeal to our summer community. 

 We have active tennis and pickle ball groups, avid bikers and hikers on the rail-trail. In normal times we have Yoga and MahJong, but 2020's Coronavirus interrupted those groups. There's still plenty of fishing, water skiing, kayaking, canoeing and swimming to satisfy every interest. This has been a quieter year in many respects, but we all hope that by the summer of 2021 we will all feel more comfortable being in group meetings and socializing. In the meantime, please be careful, remember to keep your distance from others not in your own family "bubble," and wear a mask whenever you are in a group. Scientists say masks are important even when you are outside and distancing. We have been fortunate here in Vermont that the incidence of Covid-19 infections has been low; however, that isn't the case in other parts of the country where we're seeing increases as universities and schools open - so as people transition to their winter homes from Joe's Pond, they will need to be more cautious. We wish everyone safe travels and a healthy year ahead.

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Spring Mix!

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