Saturday, July 25, 2020

We sure can't complain about the weather these days. It's particularly nice to have such perfect weather over the weekend! It's good we can be happy and thankful for something during these really stressful times.

We were sitting on our deck this afternoon listening to the sounds of summer - boats on the pond, dogs barking in the distance, some kind of machinery somewhere west of us. We had been listening to a robin chirping away and some other very pretty song from a bird in the woods, and then we heard a squirrel complaining about something. We never found out what was bothering him. As we sat there chatting, a big heron flew over us. Sometimes it seems like our deck is high in the trees and we are closer to whatever is flying overhead. We have the same sensation when a helicopter flies over us. Like the occupants can look in our windows. And probably they could, if they were interested. I think it's the DART 'copter fairly often, and it seems their route is right over our place, usually a little southeast of our living-room windows.

So when the big heron flew over, we weren't surprised, but I couldn't help wondering if the bird was surprised that we were there, among the treetops. The hummingbirds accept us as one of them. I was on the walkway below our deck a couple of days ago and stopped next to the hummingbird feeder to coral some daisies that were lopped over and a hummer flew past me, inches from my head and casually began sipping away at the feeder. It paid no attention to me whatsoever. Even when I moved away, it stayed in place. Apparently they don't feel even a little threatened by humans.

I spoke with our neighbor, Wilma, at the Route 2 end of West Shore Road this afternoon. You may remember that Wilma has "Forever Fresh" a homemade meals and bakery business. She will make just about anything you ask for and in whatever quantity. It's a great way to take some of the load off entertaining when you have family visiting, or when you just need a break from getting a meal together. I've had her baked beans and I haven't tasted anything that good since my mom's baked beans when I was a kid. I know she does a great lasagna, too. So if you need a meal - a batch of beans or a special cake or dessert, get in touch with Wilma. She loves to cook and bake and does it really, really well. She does delicious, substantial home cooking - comfort food delivered right to your door. Give her a call: Wilma Shatney, 802-279-7864. Be sure you give her some lead time - if you want something for the weekend, give her a call by Wednesday so she has time to shop for supplies and make it.

Enjoy these nice days - one of our neighbors commented today that some of the maples were beginning to show a little yellow or brown coloring. They may have been a bit stressed by all the hot weather - or it could be that now we are almost into August things are changing. Grasses are past maturity, the growing season is slowing down, gardens are progressing towards final harvest, and frosty nights aren't far off, so enjoy summer while it's here!

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