Tuesday, June 02, 2020

I haven't heard from anyone on the pond, but here at our house we had a low last night of 32F. It is apparently not going to get that cold tonight and we will see gradual warming for a while, at least. I was pretty sure it was going to snow last night and we'd wake up to a white world again. This so often happens as the apple trees are blossoming - and sometimes if the temperature gets cold enough the crop is damaged. I don't believe 32 degrees would harm the apple trees, but other more tender crops may have taken a hit.

My friend Mary Whitcomb sent this photo of a catbird sitting on a garden stake at her house in Randolph. I hadn't realized they were such a brilliant blue - pretty little things, but their calling is anything but melodious!

Mary also got pictures of a pair of hairy woodpeckers - the male and female. You will often hear them drumming in the woods. They are pretty cool birds. The female is the first picture and the male has the red dot on its head. It's amazing how they can drill holes in trees for their nests the way they do. I've often wondered if they get headaches!

Thanks again, Mary for the great photos. You certainly have a variety of birds around your house.  I really enjoyed the picture of the chipping sparrow fighting with the bird in the car side mirror. In the top picture you can see the bird sizing up the "other bird" invading its territory, and then comes the attack! We once had a robin that kept trying to build a nest on a reflection in the glass of our combination storm door on the garage. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the bird for the first few minutes of her banging repeatedly into it. Then I realized that there was a reflection that had her confused. I put a covering up inside the door and then there was no reflection, so her antics stopped. For a few minutes I thought I was experiencing an Alfred Hitchcock movie.

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