Friday, May 17, 2019

Another sure sign of spring is when the rabbits change their coats from white to brown. This fellow is almost there - nearly has his summer coat. Mary Whitcomb caught him with her camera playing in her yard a couple days ago. Also, the male humming bird showed up!
     After Mary's picture of the little female the other day, I got out our feeder and it wasn't up more than a few minutes before it had a customer. It's strange how they find the feeders so quickly.
     Nice pictures, Mary, thank you.
     Yesterday I had an appointment for my eyes and this time had a shot in only my right eye. The left one is "my good eye," according to Dr. Kim. It is only slightly dimmed by the macular degeneration, while vision in my right eye is sharp - but there is a big bump in the center of things. Together, I still see pretty darned good, fortunately - I'm being held together by the shots and special vitamins for my eyes, Areds2. These appointments take a toll - I don't really see very well for a few hours, so I didn't get much work done on the computer. 
     Then today we had no internet and no telephone for half of the day. That really knocked a hole in my already loused-up plans for working on the book. I was able to work on the manuscript, but I couldn't get emails or fact check on the internet. It is truly amazing how dependent one becomes on these things. Fred was on the cell phole with Charter and I kept thinking they would be able to fix the problem, but when it got to be close to noon, I worried that my co-authors might have decided to meet today and I wouldn't know and would stand them up. We had emailed about possibly meeting today or Monday, but nothing had been decided as of last night.
Finally, Charter said they would send a technician later today. I called Dot to see if I'd already missed a meeting (I hadn't) and explained I was completely incommunicado, probably for the rest of the day. 
     I put down the phone and sat down at my computer and, force of habit, went to check my email - and we had internet!!! At just about the same moment, Fred realized it was back, too. It was like meeting your best friend again after a long absence. We were both happy and relieved to be in touch with the outside world again, but on some level, I am almost ashamed to admit how lost I felt without the internet, especially. The phone I can do without, but I'm really dependent on the internet for communicating and researching. I was thinking about that and of all the times I was in various libraries over the years, searching for information that is literally at my fingertips now. Not only that, but I built up quite a reference library of my own over the years. Some are well worn from use, other that I've only cracked open a few times but were particularly important to me at the time I purchased them. Some I still find useful once in a while, but mostly they just collect dust. How times change.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...