Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Another dreary day, but tonight, just before the sun went down, we had a few minutes of bright sunlight! Seemed so good! I happened to be outside, doing some last minute stuff in the flower beds, and it was very nice to have those few minutes of sunshine as I worked. I picked some of the daffodils that got damaged from the heavy snow, so now I have a nice bouquet to add to the cheery sunshine event.
    My friend, Mary Whitcomb went on line to see the newsletter and tonight I had this email from her about the picture of Jim Morris:
 Hi Jane,  When I shared the picture & story below with my brother, Dennis Whitcomb, I found out he knows him.  Several years back, he hunted with Jim in Maine along with our brother-in-law, Andy Squires, and Eddie Bisson.  How about that?!!

Turns out it IS a small world!

Some of you already know this about my friend, Mary - she loves animals and takes great pictures. She sent these pictures of a little female humming bird. She said the little bird sat on the lim for about five minutes before she went to the feeder. I have a theory about that. I've watched humming birds do something similar, only the make chased the female away from the feeder, so she would sit patiently until he left and then went to drink. I wonder if the male was somewhere in the vicinity and had maybe chased the female away when Mary first saw her. We will probably never know. 
     We haven't put our feeder out yet, but the humming birds are back and came to the window, I think it was on Saturday, to let us know they are here and hungry. We didn't have the feeder out last summer, so I was a little surprised when the bird came to the window to announce his arrival, just as they have done in years past. That deserves some attention, for sure, and tomorrow we will take care of getting the feeder set up.
     In the meantime, Jamie and Marie have theirs up already, but haven't had any visitors yet. They had the same experience except they were working outside when the first hummer showed up and hovered in front of them to announce their arrival. They got the feeder out immediately. They are such good people! I raised him right - "do as I say, not as I do."
     I've been reading the chapter that will be in the history book on the railroad through West Danville this week, and it's very interesting. Patty has details in there that I'm sure very few people know about. Lots of great stories. We each read what the others write so we won't repeat information too much. There are bound to be overlaps, but we try to keep each chapter fresh with it's own information. Patty is a wonderful researcher, and we are all indebted to her for digging out not only material for her own sections of the book, but for Dot and me as well. I appreciate that - I enjoy researching up to a point, but am nowhere near as thorough as Patty. 
     More people are back at the pond - I saw Bill Ricker and his sister, Alice Aime, walking their dogs this afternoon, and others on our road will be coming back soon. It's harder to keep track of who is back on the West Danville side of the pond, but I know the Stewarts are here (Joanne did the newsletter) and Karen and Jim Morris are here. I've noticed work being done at Decker's in preparation for their return, and also at Barbara Pollack's. So, welcome back, all you lovely tanned people! Sorry about the snow and cold, but that's Vermont for you. We're cool!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...