Thursday, March 07, 2019

     Another cold night last night, and another coating of fresh snow - but only enough to make everything pretty and clean. It was so dry what collected in my measuring tube couldn't even be measured when it was melted, so I reported a trace. How cold was it, you ask? My weather station reported a low of negative 11.5 degrees. I had thought it was not that cold - the thermometer on the kitchen window showed -4.9 as a low. Then I heard from Diane Rossi that it was -11 at her place on the shore of the pond, so thought we had lucked out at a few degrees warmer. Not so, it seems. That does happen sometimes - I guess because cold air is heavier than warm air and we're a little higher in elevation at our house. No matter - it was cold, but we're in for a warming trend and by the weekend may have some rain. Or maybe snow.
     I've had a few responses to my interest in hearing from people around the pond about when their cottages were built and by whom. Andy Rudin has wonderful records on his family cottage, and also photos. We won't know until later how much of this we can use (there may be a maximum page requirement to keep the history book as we plan to publish in soft cover) and we will be putting in photos after all the text is written. We have a lot of photos, so not everything we've gathered will get into this book. We will do our best not to leave out anything of importance or interest.
     I got involved yesterday in researching hunting, fishing and wildlife in general in our area. I hadn't realized that caribou and elk were once roaming our hills and valleys. I've been able to verify from several reliable sources that the were certainly here and also why they disappeared. 
     Today I'm hoping to finish putting that history into our book.
     Everyone, have a wonderful day - enjoy the snow because we won't have it much longer! (I know, lots of you have enjoyed the snow long enough already, but it doesn't hurt to "think positive" when you are about at the end of a long, cold winter that's dragging on, and on, and on . . . !)

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News & Chatter

I was saddened this morning when I read in the Caledonian Record that Archie Prevost passed away. Archie was well known around Joe's P...