Saturday, January 12, 2019

Well, the temperature hasn't been out of the single digits all day today. I think the low last night was something like five below, and today the highest I saw it on our thermometers was eight above, at about noon. Another cold night tonight - and tomorrow more of the same. It is spectacularly pretty, though. We took a ride just to see how pretty everything is with a lovely fresh coat of snow and the sky was that special blue - we took pictures, but photos just don't do it justice.
     Our neighbor on the hill above our house has been clear-cutting their woods between them and us. We have heard the machines working there for a while now, and recently the big box trucks loaded with wood chips have been going past the house regularly. They had logged selectively a few years ago, so we were surprised that anything was big enough to cut. They may have plans for their land that would require clearing and smoothing it to fields. When my family owned the land where our neighbors' house is now, it was all pasture, but had been farm land in the past, and years ago was clear cut. We went over on Davidson Road - it's very pretty up there and we got a good view of the hillside behind our house from there. The top picture is Jamie and Marie's road near our house, the next two were on Davidson Road, and the bottom picture is looking at the hillside behind our house - actually, Cabot Plain, on the west shore of the pond.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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