Monday, July 16, 2018

Wanderings II Exhibition

"Wanderings II " Exhibition of Photos by Alexander Smith. July 14-August 31. 
Opening Reception Friday July 20, 4-6pm.
Greensboro Barn Gallery, Turning Stone Farm, 491 Country Club Rd, Greensboro,VT 05841. 
Open daily and appointments are always welcome. Information: 802-533-9281,

Jennifer Ranz
Greensboro Barn at Turning Stone Farm
Greensboro, Vermont 05841
"Whimsical, decorative, and functional pottery, porcelain jewelry, and watercolors"

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A Newsy Day!

Here is a reminder:    Here is the link to the hearing [which was held on Thursday, December 12]. This link will also allow you to submit w...